terça-feira, 20 de novembro de 2012

What time is it?–boardgame for elementary students

Captura de tela inteira 20112012 004713.bmpI have drawn the clocks (that you can find here) to prepare worksheets because I never find a good collection, I usually prepare the worksheets with different types of clocks and the final result is not homogeneous.

I used the clocks to prepare a boardgame designed for elementary students. After teaching and practicing the topic, they’ll enjoy the oral game.


  • Divide the class into groups of 3 o4 4 members.
  • Print one boardgame to each group and give a dice and coins, tokens or the like to each student.
  • The students place the tokens out of the boardgame, throw the dice and if they answer the questions “what time is it” correctly according to the square they took (going ahead the number they got in the dice) they put the token on the number; if they get it wrong they stay in the same place.

Use the link below to download the game in PDF format.


Find more worksheets and games at Digital Goods.

quarta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2012

Present Continuous Practice

Apostila de 2 páginas com exercícios para praticar gramática (present continuous) e vocabulário (actions), bem como melhorar a escrita.

A segunda página é a apostila do professor com as respostas. Esta apostila é parte de um novo trabalho sobre tempos verbais que está sendo iniciado agora e deve ser lançado em breve.

Para ver mais apostilas de inglês ou de outros idiomas visite Digital Goods.

Você pode imprimir diretamente com os controles abaixo ou fazer download.


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